Art Show Information
The Art Show will be in the Regency Ballroom, A, B, C, & D.

Virgil Finlay Centenary Prize
A special award of $ 1000 for the Best in Show will be voted on by the exhibiting artists. This will be presented at the Art Show Reception Saturday evening.
Artists' Information
All exhibiting artists or their agents must be either Attending or Supporting members of the convention.
Artists exhibiting at the World Fantasy Convention Art Show are selected by jury. Artists who meet at least one of the following criteria are exempt from the jury process (but still should have sent in an application showing their reason for exemption) :
- Artists who have exhibited in WFC Art Shows at least twice in the past four years
- Artists who have been Guests of Honor at a World Fantasy Convention
- Artists who have been World Fantasy Award winners
The deadline for artist applications was July 15.
Artists will be notified of their status by September 5, 2014.
Artist Check-In will be Thursday, November 6. Artist Check-Out will be Sunday morning, November 9.
Mail-In Art
At this time we are not planning to accept any mail-in art for the Art Show.
Agented Art
You may designate an agent to bring your artwork to and from the Art Show. This person will be responsible for hanging/displaying your art and making any decisions regarding it at the convention. You must give them a letter authorizing them to act on your behalf, to be handed to us at check-in. Either the Artist or Agent MUST have an Attending or Supporting membership.
There will be a $ 60 fee per panel/table (no fee for prints). Half panels and tables are available at a charge of $ 30. Panels are 4 x 6 and the tables are 6 x 2½. There will be a maximum of three (3) units (panels and/or tables) per artist. There will be no fee for prints. Floor space will also be available if required, at a similar rate.
There will also be a 5% commission on art show sales over $ 2000, and a 10% commission on print sales.
- Jury decision by August 31, 2014
- Notification of Artists of jury selection by September 5, 2014
WFC Art Show Rules (for reference)
- WFC Art Shows are juried. All art must be of a fantasy or dark fantasy nature. All art must be of professional quality as determined by the Art Show Jury. Juries should include two to three persons, at least one of whom may be a professional artist, artist agent, or art director. Artists who have been successfully juried at least twice in the past four years do not need to be juried again for the current year.
- Artists who have been a Guest of Honor at a World Fantasy Convention or have been a World Fantasy Award winner are exempt from the jury selection process.
- Art Shows should allow both two-dimensional and three-dimensional art, fine jewelry and prints. Jewelry must be art (unique), not craft (mass-produced). All jewelry must contain more than 50% unique material if a mixture of mass-produced and unique art is used to make the piece.
- Prints should appear in the Print Shop of the Art Show unless they are of limited run (100 or fewer in a run). Only work by artists exhibiting original art will be allowed in the Print Shop.
- If mail-in art is permitted, return shipping expense must be included by the artist in case the work fails to sell or is Not-For-Sale (NFS).
- Agented art will be accepted. An artist may designate an agent to bring their artwork to and from the Art Show. This person will be responsible for hanging/displaying the art and making any decisions regarding it at the convention. The artist must give them a letter authorizing them to act on their behalf, to be handed in at check-in.
- Panels and tables should be priced to encourage participation by excellent artists. The Art Show may take a commission on any sales.
- Charges for work in the Print Shop may be different than panel/table rates. A commission may be charged for Print Shop sales.
- Art Shows should allow diverse artistic mediums. Digital art should be created as original as possible, such as print-once-and-destroy-file or printed once at a high resolution at a large size for display.
- All exhibiting artists or their agents must be attending or supporting members of the convention.
- Art Shows should pay artists their sales funds, minus commissions and shipping fees if any, within 30 to 90 days of the close of the convention.