Guests of Honor
Guy Gavriel Kay
Guy Gavriel Kay writes what would be termed 'historical' novels, were they of our history, but their settings are of times and places merely familiar: countries and kingdoms that might have been, magical powers wielded in unexpected ways, customs and folkways not too far off from our imaginings.
He holds a World Fantasy Award and an Aurora, and has been named a Member of the Order of Canada . The 40th World Fantasy Convention is pleased to have Guy Gavriel Kay as a Guest of Honor. More !
Les Edwards
You can't judge a book by its cover, but World Fantasy Award winner Les Edwards has spent a career disproving the point. His artwork in the arenas of horror, science fiction, and fantasy, as well as that under his pseudonym Edward Miller, has placed him among the masters of the field. His covers are ubiquitous on bookstore shelves.
In many of his paintings, he uses portraiture techniques to add life to characters in a scene, an added dimension that sets his work apart. More !

Stuart David Schiff
Between the author writing and the reader enjoying, much has to happen. That's where Stuart David Schiff comes in. An accomplished author himself and bemoaning the lack of a repository for good horror fiction, he created and edited 'Whispers' magazine. Fritz Leiber, Robert Bloch, and a host of other notables populated the pages with the best of their scary stories.
Anthologies and hardcovers followed, and 'Whispers' won a World Fantasy Award in 1975.

Lail Finlay
Lail Finlay created a ripple in the world of science fiction art collection a few years back when she announced that she was putting some of her father's art up for bid, but the ripple became a definite splash when collectors learned that her late father Virgil Finlay had retained some published pieces for himself, pieces that he regarded as his best work.
She also contributed the foreword and helped with the publication of 'Virgil Finlay's Women of the Ages.' As we celebrate Virgil Finlay's centennial, we are privileged to have someone so close to him join us. More !

Mary Robinette Kowal
Our Toastmaster writes, of course. She has a Hugo to prove it, and several other award nominations to back it up. But she is also an award-winning puppeteer, designing and crafting her own puppets for performances.
As a voice actor, she has recorded a number of audio books, and she'll put that skill to good use acting as the WFC 2014 Toastmaster. We're glad to have her on board.
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